A collection of writing related to agile principles, coaching, and leadership. A place to explore the connections between our everyday world and work life. Rarely is there truth here - as my thinking and perspective evolves.
The Changing Nature of Expertise
An exploration of the changing nature of expertise in a complex world and what leaders need to know about expertise.
Do More with Less (Noise) - Part 3 of 3
What I’ve seen over the last 25 years are leaders who want to do more with less but aren’t prepared to change their organizational structure or culture to accommodate that desire. Consequently, it’s PEOPLE (and their families) who suffer the physical and psychological burden of constant context switching and noisy communication.
Do More with Less (Noise) - Part 2 of 3
Not having agreed-upon communication conventions increases the noise in the system and incurs daily costs of delay and more context switching, which in turn lengthens time-to-value.
Do More with Less (Noise)
The way to ACCOMPLISH more with less, is to DO less to accomplish more. For most people the best way to deliver more is to change two things: 1) focus on fewer goals at any given time and 2) simplify the communication surrounding those goals.
Why many “Agile Transformations” are Doomed!
Look out for standardization and treating ‘agile’ as the goal.
Behavioural Economics: Lessons in Leadership
“… to induce change in behaviour, one can choose to either reduce the restraining forces or increase the driving forces.”
Musical Scales
“… it’s about the symbiotic and continuous exchange with people I trust and admire.”
Mindset over Mechanics
“Effectively, without helping change the mindset and consciousness (=culture!) of the people and organizations we work with, our efforts to transform the world of work will never achieve their potential.”
Iterative / Incremental delivery to get to the Moon!
The iterative and incremental approach to one of the greatest feats of all time.